A lot of people have asked me this. One change underwear n socks, two tee shirts, merino long johns, merino undershirt, one fleece, one pair trousers, one pair waterproof trousers, waterproof jacket, windshell. Wearing cycle shorts n top plus the other set of underwear n socks
Friday, 28 August 2015
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Cycled 15 miles or so in a strong headwind, mostly in a low gear even on the flat. Lovely people and the cafe in Kelso told me to stay as long as I liked. Did I really look that knackered?! Bought a new cycle shirt as mine had snags on the front and the grubby marks will no longer wash out. Bicycles in all the shop Windows In anticipation of the Tour Dr Britain, passing through on 8th September. Also Honda goldwings everywhere - they have a gathering this weekend.
Picture is of a gallery made to look like a boat and the dolphin is made of scrap metal cogs etc
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Duns - and I am home in 11 days!
Home in 11 days time and having a ball. Blogger is only letting me share one picture per blog post via the new phone but that's a whole lot better than none! Visit to The Border Mill in Duns today. They process alpaca on a small scale for producers. Bought some fibre and they also sell yarn.
Friday, 21 August 2015
Giant puffballs
Always wanted to see giant puffballs and there they were at the side of the road Not a place you would walk and cars would never see them. Oh the Aviv of a bicycle. And of course they are now on the 'must crochet or knit' list
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Thrilling to be on the east coast because not only have I cycled up Scotland as far as Dingwall but I have now also gone from one coast at Ayr in the West to Prestonpans on the other side. Dipped a finger in the water justctobprove it!
More talks and workshops
The time is whizzing by now I am nearer home and have less than three weeks to go. This workshop a couple is days ago was at Victoria Bennett's house in Edinburgh. She is also a jazz singer and has a show at the Fringe this year. Last night I gave a talk with slide show at penicuik arts centre. Today I cycled 26 miles and am now at Longniddry staying with Angela and Bill. Haddington spinners are camping in the horse field and tomorrow I am doing a wee workshop with them on longdraw spinning. Wonderful fun tonight sitting in the field!
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Lanarkshire - A trip down memory lane
Cycled from Paisley to Glasgow then hopped on a train to Lanark. We passed through Uddingston where I spent ost of my childhood. Lanarkshire still feels like home and the people just seem to speak my language. At New Lanark my wee workshop shared the space with the Quaker Tapestry. As a Quaker that was nice. This panel spoke to me - Knit 1 Bike 1 is my adventure!
Monday, 10 August 2015
Paisley to new lanark
Cycled back from Paisley to Glasgow. Virtually the whole way is off road on good tracks. Peaceful, quiet and lovely. Glasgow has great cycle ways. Hopped on a train to Lanarkshire and it iscwindy tonight again. A blast from the past as y first 'proper(,jobceas on Lanarkshire. This was my local and still going strong
Sunday, 9 August 2015
Saturday, 8 August 2015
Samba in Stirling
Great fun with the women's samba band in Stirling this morning then a train to Glasgow and a 9.5 mile cycle to Paisley. Staying with daughter Roxanne , her partner Stevie and wee Conor. Lovely to have a hot bath and time with family. Hubby Lee came up for a rendezvous and we got caught up on the laptop and backed up all the photos again. Never a dull moment!
Pipers in the park
Well of course this is Scotland so what do you do on a sunny day but pick up your bagpipes and head to the park for a spot of practise?
Kinross to Stirling
26 miles today. The Cycle Touring Club journey Planner said it used 590 calories. - How many cakes is that again?! It sure felt like a long way to me though especially after having to De-camp at 6pm and move to a b&b last night due to a rather strange guy on the campsite!
Frequent pit stops and I arrived at Stirling to the sound of the pipes. Either they knew I was coming or there is a piping competition in the town...
I was the 307th cyclist of the day through this counter!
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Kinross skeins n bobbins
Tired yesterday and just wanted to stay in the Abbey Inn at Newburgh for a second night. It would have made today very rushed though. So camped last night and De-camped to a b&b tonight due to a rather surreal experience at the campsite. A guy wandered in supposedly to clean the floor in the loos and proceeded to stand and chat to me whilst I brushed my teeth!
Lovely time at Skeins and Bobbins this afternoon and Morag and her sister Rhona gave me an exquisite skein of alpaca silk laceweight and two handknitted bunny egg cosies. Off to Stirling to stay with Mary tomorrow.
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Dundee to Newburgh
A stiff uphill cycle of only 17 miles but the hills and a strong headwind meant slow progress. Glad to finally make it here p